Meet The Team

We Know (In)fertility Well!
Moonstone Fertility was built on the foundation of our personal experience and resulting passion for helping others navigate their own, unique journey.
Our families welcomed wonderful children after long, painful years of heartache and emotional pain. We were scared, hurt, devastated, hopeless at times. We cried, got angry, got jealous, and we searched for answers, for control, for hope.
Over the past few years, we both received training and education focused on fertility, reproductive psychology and mind-body approaches for the treatment of infertility. We hope our programs will provide you with the support you need.

Jessi Nesbitt
Registered Psychologist
Mind & Body Fertility Therapist
A big hello! I am Jessi Nesbitt, a lover of Saturdays, good coffee, and adventures.
Honestly, I never sought to know about (in)fertility or loss. (In)fertility found me and stayed part of my life for seven years. Those were some very hard years in my life. Lonely. Expensive. Depleting. Isolating. And a shocking lack of good resources out there to help us get through it.
The suffering I faced during my journey turned into a burning passion for helping others who were struggling too. During my journey, I found it outrageous that there wasn't more support out there, people qualified to lead others through it. I left my successful counselling and trauma practice, turning my whole career over helping others struggling with infertility, loss, and the trauma’s faced on this journey. I have proudly received training from some of the leaders in this field, including an 18 months post-graduate fertility course from the US, Mindbody Fertility training program from the UK, and recently received training from Alice Domar on the mind body connection for fertility.
And my journey? After long years, hundreds of attempts, and too many pregnancy tests, my dream was realized.
More than just my education and additional training, I am dedicated to helping others on this journey. I believe in my clients, what they are capable of, and excited in what we can do together.
Valérie Grenier
Registered Psychologist
Mind & Body Fertility Therapist
Hi there, I'm Valérie.
I'm a connector, an extravert, and driven by growth opportunity. I like indoor spinning, painting, and spending time with people I love.
I’m the proud mom to two little boys, a spirited 7 year old, and an affectionate 6 year old. It took a few years, and required IVF for my spouse and I to conceive our first boy (full story here). I did not expect (in)fertility (who does, right?). It hit me hard. It was a tough journey, but I made it through the darkness with not only the best rewards of all, but a better understanding of myself, and my resilience. I believe I'm a better person because of what I’ve been through - more patient, more appreciative, more empathetic.
For close to 10 years now, I has been devoted to my private practice, providing individual, couples and group therapy. I have trained as an EMDR therapist, took a Mind-Body Fertility training program from the UK, a comprehensive year-long training in reproductive health, as well as a number of trainings addressing the perinatal period. I am currently enrolled in a three year Somatic Experiencing Professional Training, a psychobiological method for resolving trauma symptoms and relieving chronic stress.
Seeing people's healing and growth is very inspiring. I feel honored to being part of other's journeys. I look forward to being part of yours.
Meet Our Team of Expert Consultants

Amira Posner
Clinical Social Worker
Myself and my husband experienced secondary infertility. After several failed in uterine inseminations, I conceived my twins through IVF. It was my own personal experience with infertility that was the catalyst for
Fertility isn't just about medical intervention. My journey has taught me about the power of the mind body connection and using our body's intelligence to stimulate and nurture fertility. There's no magic to it. Through imagery, visualization, breathing exercises and mindfulness work, we can reverse the harmful effects of stress on the body.
I am a Clinical Social Worker with a private practice in Toronto, Ontario. I have both a Bachelor and Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of Manitoba. I work with individuals and couples who are struggling with infertility. I developed and facilitate the Mind-Body Fertility Group.
In addition to working with individuals, couples and families providing therapy in a secure and safe setting, I am a member of the Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW) and Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW). I am also a certified Hypnotherapist and Reiki practitioner. I am the mother of three miracles. I supports couples worldwide.

"May Your Choices Reflect Your Courage,
Not Your fear"
- Nelson Mandela